In den einzelnen Posts wird häufig auf Literatur verwiesen. Hier ist die vollständige Bibliographie dazu!
- Baggott Jim, A Beginner’s Guide to Reality, London (Penguin Books) 2005
- Everett Daniel L., Don’t Sleep, there are Snakes – Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle, New York 2008
- Fried Jason, Heinemeier Hansson David, Rework, New York 2010
Matrix oder Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit (deutsche Ausbage)
Don’t Sleep, There are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle
- Grand Steve, Creation – Life and hot to make it, Phoenix, London (Orion Books) 2000
- Hale-Evans Ron
Creation: Life and How to Make It
Mind Performance Hacks: Tipps and Tools for Overclocking your Brain
- Hofstadter Douglas, Gödel, Escher, Bach – ein endloses geflochtenes Band, Stuttgart (Klett-Cotta) 1985 u.a. (zit. GEB)
- Howard Pierce J., The Owner’s Manual for the Brain – Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research, Austind TX 2006 (3rd Ed. 2009)
- Kelly Kevin, New Rules for the New Economy: Ten Radical Strategies for a Connected World, London (Penguin) 1999
- Weinberger David, Everything is Miscellaneous – The Power of the New Digital Disorder, New York (Holt Paperback) 2007
Gödel, Escher, Bach: Ein Endloses Geflochtenes Band
The Owner’s Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research
New Rules for the New Economy: Ten Radical Strategies for a Connected World
Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder